iOS Developer
I am a self-taught, business-minded iOS Developer with a passion for learning and improving accessibility design and have a history of working at start-up ventures.
Finding out that I love building mobile apps has been a journey, and one that I would not trade for anything. I had to go through finance, entertainment, and marketing to get where I am today, and I am a better developer for it.
My Business degree helps me translate business objectives into key app features. My time in entertainment helps me understand and create apps that tell a compelling story and appeal to the masses. My time in marketing helps me tell the world about the things that I create and how to design for everyone.
I am excited to finally be on a career path that allows me to combine my many interests and skills, and challenges me to be continually curious about all the latest iOS and Swift developments.
Now as I look for my next opportunity, I am excited to bring my past experiences and what I have learned about accessibility and design with me.
I am a huge fan of TDD. I appreciate the focus that it brings to clean, modular code, and enjoy the burst of satisfaction I feel when all my unit test pass 🙂
Swift is my primary language of choice. I can read Objective-C, and can translate Objective-C into Swift.
I am currently learning RxSwift and the more I learn, the more confident I feel about switching over to an MVVM architecture for my personal apps.
Rachel Paturi